Fleet Management Software

We develop custom fleet management apps to help commercial and public-sector fleet operators increase their efficiency through meaningful automation.

Looking for ways to make fleet management more efficient?
We’re ready to come up with the solution.

Our Range Of Fleet Management
Software Solutions

We specialize in custom system development to cover particular fleet tracking, maintenance and diagnostic operations, as well as addressing safety and regulatory compliance. We bring automation to each fleet management stage through web portals, mobile applications, custom-built SaaS platforms, and integrated modules — you can choose the type of solution you need and we’ll make it work for you.

Fleet Tracking & Telematics Apps

Our embedded vehicle GPS tracking and telematics software accumulates and structures geospatial and performance data from onboard sensors and connected systems. These vehicle-connected apps can track routes, mileage, fuel consumption, speed, driving patterns, downtime, etc., which allows companies to prevent critical issues like careless driving while cutting labor, maintenance and fuel costs. Based on the collected data, the software helps work out proactive maintenance operations, optimize route planning, prevent accidents, and more.

Vehicle Management & Maintenance

Our engineers implement end-to-end automation of vehicle management, from vehicle acquisition and registration to disposal, speeding up associated workflows and driving cross-team data transparency up. We also develop and integrate modules that collect data on vehicle operation and send alerts in case potential issues or critical malfunctions are identified, both on and off the road, facilitating preventive maintenance and timely inspections.

Fuel Consumption Control Apps

Our specialized custom fuel consumption control apps can be integrated with telematics and vehicle tracking systems to let companies track fuel from purchase to consumption, reveal patterns per individual vehicle, spot anomalies indicating fuel misuse, and ensure compliance with applicable corporate policies.

Driver Management & Safety

Our custom solutions can serve as comprehensive interactive databases of in-house and contracted drivers, complete with license and contractual details. In addition to these 360-degree profiles, we can also design apps for driver control to monitor driving behavior, performance, and schedule observation, check compliance with road safety policies, and send alerts in case of any violations.

Dispatch Management

Connecting back-office managers such as call center reps and dispatch managers with drivers, our custom dispatch management systems serve as job assignment and allocation hubs. These solutions provide visibility into job statuses, enable informed route planning and optimization, power up real-time communication between all engaged parties, and aggregate relevant reports via interactive and highly visual dashboards.

Accident & Claim Management

We rely on our expertise in business process automation, document management, and insurance tech to accelerate your workflows when it comes to managing risks, accidents, and claims. With our smart collaboration-centric solutions for driver training, accident registration, claim filing, and risk analytics, you can minimize downtime and disruption while speeding up case handling.

Compliance Assurance

Our compliance-centric solutions aggregate data about every fleet operation aspect that falls under federal or local regulations and help you track your adherence to the state and corporate policies when it comes to fleet maintenance, cargo handling, work conditions, driving permits, and more. From template-based workflow management that leaves no room for human error to audit-ready inspection and performance reports, these solutions will give you a peace of mind anywhere you run your fleet.
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Smarter Features For Higher

Our fleet management software development expertise extends to creating innovative solutions that help optimize operational costs, provide process visibility, and improve overall fleet performance.
Supreme Technologies team automates time-consuming and error-prone fleet management operations, particularly connected with manual data input and paperwork, introducing robotic process automation (RPA) and ML-driven workflow automation in areas such as:
  • Document generation and exchange
  • Quoting and invoicing
  • Routing and scheduling
  • Vehicle inspection
  • Driver profiling and evaluation
  • Communication and reminders
We set up big data collection, quality check and processing for you to source real-time insights from the pool of your operational, geospatial and administrative data records. Our data scientists and business intelligence consultants collaborate to leverage AI algorithms in your smart reports and interactive dashboards that visualize historical and real-time data to inform on:
  • Driver and vehicle performance over a period of time
  • Proper time for vehicle maintenance
  • Activity anomalies
  • Growth points
  • Route optimization opportunities
  • Non-compliance risks
Our team specializes in software for embedded technologies, such as electronic logging devices and engine control modules, and set up an IoT ecosystem of connected sensors to automatically collect data that is necessary for ensuring compliance with industry-specific and safety regulations and to send alerts when there are issues with:
  • Driving behavior
  • Speed limits
  • Vehicle condition
  • Fleet movements
  • Fuel consumption
Our smart solutions for hands-free data entry and driver communication come with natural language processing and voice recognition capabilities to ensure safe driving and faster information exchange. This voice augmentation extends to in-vehicle and back-office systems.
  • Voice-based in-vehicle control
  • Third-party voice assistant integration
  • Context-aware interactions based on road conditions and driver history

Catch Up with Your

of logistics executives consider RPA as important (Oracle / PRG)
of supply chain leaders are going to invest in IoT (Statista)
of companies consider process automation and data analytics as top priorities for logistic operations (Oracle / PRG)

Our Fleet Software Development
In Detail

Our services cover the entire fleet software development cycle, from building fleet management apps from the ground up to connecting critical third-party solutions.

Technology Consulting

When you’re in need of a consultant who could conceptualize your future fleet management solution, choose the best-fitting tech for its development, and put your requirements into a technical specification, you can find all of these competencies at Supreme Technologies.

Fleet Management Software Development

Our company builds custom apps that help manage a full range of fleet operations, ensure easy access to information, and assist in planning. We can create a brand new web or mobile app, migrate your legacy system to the cloud, as well as integrating third-party tools of your choice.

Maintenance & Upgrade

We build fleet management software for the long haul, staying to maintain its efficiency at all times and introduce new features as your business evolve. We’re equally up for auditing and re-engineering your existing tool if you feel it underperforms.

Want to transform your business into a brand? We are the branding experts.

We have elevated our clients from mere businesses to beloved brands that people recognize and adore.

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