Develop next-gen iOS apps that are quality tested for perfection with future-forward iOS application development services

This Is How You Get Ios Apps
That Work For You

Supreme Technologies provides development services for iPhone and iPad apps, focusing on user experience, functional design, and codebase performance. We deliver across a range of domains and mobile use cases, maintaining industry leadership in:

Media and Content Delivery
Enterprise Productivity
Location Based Services
Augmented Reality
Social Networking
Big Data Mobile Gaming
Delivering Multi-site Multi-vendor Projects with Mixed Teams

Added Value At Every Step Of Your
Ios Development Project

Simple as that, our agency helps companies launch apps faster than ever while ensuring consistent value at every step of the app development lifecycle:


We help businesses with the conceptual side of things, offering to consult on product strategy, use cases, branding, and much more.


From wireframing to high-resolution, Retina-ready designs, we construct visually compelling interfaces and bring to life killer user experiences.


We make the powerful features of Objective-C and Swift blossom at the client-side of your project while taking care of the underlying backend services.


Integrate your application with existing data and apps, 3rd-party services, and data sources; enable users to make secure purchases directly from the app.


Performance, stability, and usability make or break your app. Supreme Technologies embeds the full range of testing services into the development cycle, covering all requested iPhone & iPad devices.


We guarantee full compliance with Apple guidelines and a smooth submission process, helping you navigate the post-submission nuances of the App Store.


When your app is published or deployed, even then, you are not done. Benefit from professional maintenance, support, and optimization services to ensure your app is never off the race track.

Staying At The Forefront Of The
Entire Apple Ecosystem

We design and build apps for mobile phones, tablets, wearables, TVs, and other internet-connected devices on the iOS, watch OS, and tv OS platforms. This helps companies outside the traditional tech sector keep up with tech trends on their own instead of letting tech startups take over.

Tv OS / TVML Development for Apple TV

Our iOS application developer creates a wide range of apps that bring brand new experiences to Apple's big-screen or invigorate the existing iOS apps to fit in with tv OS:

  • Native Apple TV app development
  • Porting existing iOS functionality to tv OS
  • Client-server Apple TV TVML apps
  • Apple TV Games for tvOS

Watch OS Development for Apple Watch

Offering profound Apple Watch UI design and app development services, Supreme Technologies enhances and extends the iPhone app experience of your customers to Apple Watch for:

  • Productivity
  • Health and fitness
  • Payments
  • Navigation
  • Instant messaging

Powerful Back-end Systems To Rely On

Your mobile app is only as good as the backend service that supports it. With full-stack development expertise behind its professional iOS engineering teams, Supreme Technologies delivers a full range of mobile backend options:

Cloud Hosted Platforms

  • Amazon AWS
  • Google Cloud Platform
  • Microsoft Azure
  • MBaaS platforms

Server-Side Technologies

  • .NET
  • Java
  • PHP
  • Ruby-on-Rails
  • Python
  • Node.js

Architectural Patterns

  • Microservices architecture
  • SOAP

Technology Stack

Frameworks & Components

  • Cocoa/Cocoa Touch
  • OpenGL ES
  • cocos2d
  • Unity3D
  • React Native

Development languages

  • Objective-C/C++
  • Swift
  • C#
  • JavaScript

Tools & solutions:

  • ASIHTTPRequest
  • ShareKit
  • Urban Airship
  • Universal Analytics
  • Twilio
  • HockeyApp
  • Testflight
  • Wikitude
  • RedLazer API
  • Payment Systems (PayPal, DataTrans)
  • Social Networking APIs


  • RestKit
  • Core Data
  • SQLite.NET
  • fmdb
  • Realm

The Go-to Partner For Startups And Established Brands

You do not create an app for its own sake. You solve a business problem, increase brand reach, enhance employee productivity, or make the world a better place to live. Supreme Technologies has proved again and again its ability to enable our clients – both startups and established brands – to deliver game-changing value to their customers. Supreme Technologies always makes sure that the end-users have what they want, where, and when they need it.

Want to transform your business into a brand? We are the branding experts.

We have elevated our clients from mere businesses to beloved brands that people recognize and adore.

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