Content Marketing

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10X Brand Growth With Our Content Marketing Services

SEO and SEM only works when integrated with the best content marketing services on a larger scale. Your brand growth is inevitable when we will promote your brand to enlighten the consumer’s mind and soul. Let’s see below what Supreme Technologies have in pockets to help grow your brand.

How seriously do we take the content marketing process?

Developing a content marketing system that generates a consistent flow of leads into your sales funnel on an annual basis requires a dedicated approach, a robust content strategy, a method for producing vast quantities of engaging and effective content, and a solid content distribution and promotion process. If all of these conditions are met, it is inevitable that you will achieve success. We have witnessed this hundreds of times. Therefore, firms who spend in content marketing see six times as many conversions as those that do not. If you are seeking this type of expansion, the first step is to select the ideal content marketing partner. In the past decade, our content marketing agency has assisted businesses from all over the globe in developing their content marketing machines and generating ROI. We have assisted them in generating website traffic, brand recognition, leads, and phone calls.

Here is what our Content Marketers Do

We as content marketers not develop the content for just submissions or postings, we develop the content that generates leads. Our content gains rankings, traffic, and eventually leads so that you can see the value that you are spending on us.

Our Foolproof Plan To Rank You Higher Than Your Competition

Full Content Audit

Content Strategies Creation

Content Development Plan

SEO Friendly Content Creation

Content Distribution on Different Channels

Analyze The Response & Optimize Accordingly

Our Expertise

  • Persuasive Content for Website Pages
  • Content Strategy
  • Content That Ranks
  • SEO Content
  • Copywriting Content
  • Social Media Content
  • White Papers
  • Software Documentation
  • Press Releases
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What advantages does content marketing offer?

Content marketing increases traffic to your website, establishes you as an authority in your niche, and provides consumers with the practical, valuable content they need to solve their problems.

In addition, content marketing:

Improves brand loyalty

Increases remarketing audience size

Traffic generation using picture search optimization

Supports your social wheel

These nine statistics demonstrate the effectiveness of content marketing:

  • Paid search generates three times as many leads per dollar as content marketing.
  • Content marketing generates more than three times as many leads as outbound marketing at 62% less expense.
  • In 1984, the average person saw 2,000 advertisements every day. In 2014, they saw approximately 5,000.
  • The proportion of 18- to 49-year-olds who obtain their news and information online is rising.
  • Small businesses with blogs generate 126% more leads than those without.
  • 61% of internet shoppers in the U.S. made a purchase after reading blog recommendations.
  • Content marketing yields six times greater conversion rates than conventional strategies.
  • Content generation is the most efficient SEO strategy.
  • Businesses posting 16+ posts per month receive nearly three-and-a-half times as much traffic as those generating zero to four posts per month.
Roi Maximization With Our Content Marketing Services

Content Marketing Campaigns

We assist you in launching your content marketing campaign by handling the strategy, content production, promotion, and SEO. We also assist you in tracking your campaign with detailed reports.

Content Strategies

This will propel your marketing strategy in the desired direction. Our team employs data, research, and expertise to develop a strategy that will ensure the ROI of your content marketing campaigns.

Content That Ranks

Writing content is one thing and to make it rank higher on search engines is another. Nowadays most people think that AI based writing tools will do the job but that is not the case. Human touch & personalized feel is the main point why people read & subscribe to a channel or newsletter & later convert into leads.

SEO Writing

Copywriting is the art of writing marketing content but to make the brand visible on search engines there is a specific type of writing in the form of Class.Ads, PDFs, Infographics, and much more which is known as SEO writing and we are highly proficient in it.

Social Media Marketing Content

Social media not only builds up a brand’s image but if done right it can become the best selling point of the business. Many brands are built only because they focussed on social media marketing. We work on the persuasive content that sells.


If you think that Content writing and Copywriting are the same thing then you are far from being right. Copywriting is the key content that sells without any problem and mostly focussed on marketing. And that is where our expertise is, to generate the content that not only informs but sells.

What Can You Expect from us?

Everyone can say that we can derive the results that will help your business grow, but what else can we do for you & what can you expect from us?

Solutions Customized For Your Business

We are committed to providing our customers with a personalized experience; therefore, we will tailor every solution to your business's specifications.

Your Time And Money Are Precious For Us

To please our clients, we will provide you with the greatest technological solutions based on your budget and deliver the entire project on time.

Skilled, Experienced, And Highly Proficient Marketers

Skills are nothing if one doesn't have the experience to put them in the right place. We are skilled, experienced, and highly proficient in what we do.

Available For Support 24/7

Constant communication is the key to achieve the desired results that our clients are aiming for & that is why we are available for 24/7 technical support.

Focussed On Organic Growth

We follow a unique perspective & approach to focus on organic growth cause this is what matters the most to us and for our clients.

One Stop Solution To Every Problem

Need designing, developing or marketing solutions? We are it!!! We are a one stop solution, so that you don’t have to visit others to do little tasks for you.

Want to sell, Let’s create it well

Great Content Is Here!

Content Marketing FAQs

When developing content, it is essential to prioritize quality above quantity. We understand that not all businesses have the time to develop new content every day, so if you're a small firm just starting out, one piece of high-quality content per month is plenty. If your company has the means to produce more, consider adding more images or videos, or devise other content strategies that can reach your target audience in various ways.

At Blue Compass, we advise publishing posts with at least 800 words. Google does not always index content with fewer than 300 words; yet, the longer a blog post is, the better. Many of the blogs on our website exceed 1,000 words, with some even surpassing 5,000.

HubSpot, Backlinko, Newscred, Search Engine Journal, and Neil Patel are some of our favorite content marketing resources.

Several content marketing tools facilitate the creation of a blog or infographic. First, we perform keyword and topic research to identify the information that consumers are seeking. We typically use Moz, SEMRush, and Google Keyword Planner to discover the keywords and queries people are asking online. After deciding what to write about, we construct a headline and run it via CoSchedule's Headline Analyzer. Then, we use Grammarly to check for grammatical errors and peer review the text to examine it from a different perspective. For the creation of high-quality infographics and images, our designers utilize the whole Adobe CC suite.

There is no simple solution; content marketing is one of those businesses where you get what you pay for. Spending more money will likely result in higher-quality and more content. Ask industry connections for a quote, or see if you can save money by bundling content marketing with digital marketing services through an agency. If you are writing your blogs in-house, you should assess how much time you can devote to producing great material.

You should include at least one image, as articles with images receive 94% more views than those without. Hubspot recommends incorporating an image every 350 words. Use them throughout your piece to break up the text where it makes sense to do so.

Yes! It is important for both search engines and readers if blogs include publication dates and revision dates are updated.

This is contingent on your brand. At Blue Compass, we prefer to put a face to the text by employing authors, but we work with a number of customers who prefer their brand to be the author. If you want to increase business buy-in for your blog, we recommend experimenting with authorship — people will feel ownership when their name is tied to a post.

This depends on you! While "blog" and "article" are frequently used as industry terms, it's also customary to use "news" when providing a range of material (such as press releases and blogs together). A press release, on the other hand, is a distinct form of post that must be designated as such. Many of our clients utilize multiple or all of these terms as blog section categories to differentiate content.

White papers are authoritative, precise reports that provide a problem and a solution and generally include data visualizations and charts. In general, these are extensive reports with approximately 2,000 words, or six pages. We typically encounter them as downloaded content supporting a company's methodology or procedure. Typically shorter in length, case studies are designed to explain the outcomes of a test, survey, or study.

The subject matter and target audience will determine whether a case study, white paper, or both will deliver your message most effectively. White papers typically contain useful information for users at all stages of the sales funnel, whether they are acquiring brand or industry knowledge or seeking additional information prior to making a purchase. Case studies are intended to demonstrate insights about a topic and provide a real-world example; they are often geared toward top-of-funnel customers.

In order to access gated content, users must sign up or register as part of the conversion funnel. The information behind a firewall should be of high quality and offer something unique to the consumer. Comprehensive case studies and eBooks are typical examples of gated material. Non-gated content is any information on your website that can be seen without a login or additional credentials.